Meet the Team
Prof. Penelope Hasking
Project Lead
Professor Penelope Hasking’s work focuses on mental health in adolescents and young adults. Her primary interests are in the social and cognitive factors that initiate and maintain behaviours that are characterised by difficulties with emotion regulation. In related work Prof Hasking is leading the Australian arm of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Mental Health Surveys – International College Student Initiative, which seeks to collect cross-national data on mental health of university students, identifying unmet needs and linking students with appropriate mental health services.
Dr. Nigel Chen
Program Developer
Dr Nigel Chen completed his PhD in 2014 based at the Brain & Mind Research Institute in Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney. He currently works at the Department of Child Protection as a clinical psychologist and is also a post-doctoral researcher within the Discipline of Psychology under the School of Population Health at Curtin University. His active research interests broadly fall within social cognition and functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorders (from the early years through to adulthood), and building resilience through understanding the relationship between cognition and emotion.
Dr. Vivian Chiu
Project Co-ordinator
Dr. Vivian Chiu is currently a research fellow at the Enable Institute, Curtin University. Her research focuses on sleep and psychosis, as well as the adaptation and translation of sleep interventions for people living with severe and persisting mental health challenges. More broadly, she is passionate about improving accessibility to effective evidence-based interventions for social and emotional wellbeing, enhancing research capacity and culture within health services, and enabling lived experience co-design in mental health research.
Dr. Kealagh Robinson
Associate Investigator
Dr Kealagh Robinson is interested in how people experience and regulate their emotions, and how this process impacts their psychological wellbeing. Her research focuses on understanding non-suicidal self-injury and suicide among youth and emerging adults, with a particular focus on the role that individual differences in emotion and emotion regulation play in creating the context for these behaviours.
A/Prof. Mark Boyes
Associate Investigator
Associate Professor Mark Boyes is a Co-Lead of the Mental Health Research Domain at enAble Institute in Curtin University and a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Emerging Leadership Fellow. His research sits at the intersection of health, developmental, and clinical psychology, and aims to shed light on risk and protective factors associated with a variety of psychological, social, educational, and health-related outcomes. Much of his work is with youth who are stigmatised and silenced, including youth affected by HIV/AIDS, youth who self-injure, and children with language and literacy difficulties. He is particularly interested in cognitive and self-regulatory processes, such as appraisal, coping, and emotion regulation, and their links with mental health. Ultimately, his aim is to inform the development of effective evidence-based interventions promoting mental health among youth and their families.
The development of Managing Emotion has been a joint effort between researchers, students, and health professionals, from both locally in Western Australia and internationally across different universities. Content has been developed with input from individuals with lived experience of navigating mental health challenges during the university experience.
Contact Us
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the team at or phone +61 8 9266 3437.