Module 1 | Introduction to Emotion Regulation

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Module Video:

situation modification

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This stage refers to the ways in which we may be able to interact with and / or modify a given situation to influence our resulting emotional experience. Let’s go back to the weekend away example. Let’s say Russ decided to go on the weekend away with Rachel and their group of friends. There are often a number of ways in which we can look to modify a situation to increase or decrease the likelihood of undesirable emotional-loaded consequences. For example, Russ could choose to hang around with Rachel a lot, which may likely bring up old arguments. Or, he could choose to hang around with Rachel less – enough to be civil but also sufficiently minimal to avoid potentially sensitive topics.  


We can also apply this concept of situation modification to Lauren’s presentation. If you have to give an important stress-inducing presentation, it makes sense to take control over what you can beforehand – adequately learn the material, practice as needed, and try not to plan other important things immediately before or after which may interfere with the task at hand.