Module 4 | Taking Action and Putting It All Together

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building self-efficacy continued

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A few more ways to help build self-efficacy


It is common to be critical of yourself, particularly when negative things happen or when you find yourself in a stressful or overwhelming situation. In times like these, we can often become unduly negative in relation to how we see ourselves. Just as we have learnt to challenge unhelpful appraisals about a given situation, we can also challenge unhelpful beliefs about our self. Using the strategies discussed in Module 3, consider what the evidence is for a negative criticism of yourself. Have you ignored your positive qualities? Are you being too black and white?


From time to time, we can often forget the positive qualities about our self, which in turn, can make our beliefs about our self unduly negative and hinder our self-efficacy. A helpful technique to remember our positive qualities is to keep a journal of positive things about ourselves. Every day, take note of one or two things you did, and then write down what positive quality this conveys.

If you are stuck for ideas, you can also ask yourself questions such as:

  • “What do I like about myself?”

  • “What skills or achievements have I accomplished?”

  • “What are some challenges I have overcome?”

  • “What are some attributes that I like in others, but also have myself?”

Relatedly, it’s also important to celebrate your achievements along the way, even the little ones. This will help acknowledge the positive things you have done, and in turn, help you keep them in mind.


Finally, part of building self-efficacy is taking the time to care for yourself. Why? Because experiencing enjoyment is an important part of everyday life, which helps us feel good about ourselves. People with low or negative self-beliefs can often fall into the trap of neglecting themselves, which in turn, reinforces the idea that they are somehow unworthy or undeserving. On the flip side, doing nice things for yourself regularly can be a simple and effective way of encouraging self-efficacy through action, as it demonstrates to yourself that you are important and valuable, and therefore worthy of positive day to day experiences.

Here’s a short list of positive activities to get you started. Feel free to come up with your own!